Abarema grandiflora (Leguminosae) - Plate 96
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gerald Sibelius after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) ------------------------ Note: This print is also illustrated as Plate 125 on page 257 of Joseph Banks' Florilegium: Botanical... |
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Abutilon albescens (Malvaceae) - Plate 22
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gabriel Smith after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bay of Inlets, Australia (1770) Bustard Bay, Australia (22 May - 24 May 1770) Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) |
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Acacia calyculata (Leguminosae) - Plate 92
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Frederick Polydore Nodder after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Nodder himself. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) |
Acacia holosericea (Leguminosae) - Plate 93
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Frederick Polydore Nodder after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Nodder himself. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) |
Acacia humifusa (Leguminosae) - Plate 94
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Frederick Polydore Nodder after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Nodder himself. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) ------------------------ Note: This print is also illustrated as Plate 0 on page 1 of Joseph Banks' Florilegium: Botanical Treasures from... |
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Acacia legnota (Leguminosae) - Plate 89
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gerald Sibelius after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bustard Bay, Australia (22 May - 24 May 1770) Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) |
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Acacia leiocalyx (Leguminosae) - Plate 91
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie, after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder (1781) Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bustard Bay, Australia (22 May - 24 May 1770) Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) This subspecies is restricted to the Hervey Bay area... |
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Acacia longifolia (Leguminosae) - Plate 90
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gerald Sibelius after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bustard Bay, Australia (22 May - 24 May 1770) Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) |
Acacia multisiliqua (Leguminosae) - Plate 88
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bay of Inlets, Australia (1770) Endeavour River, Australia (17 June - 4 August 1770) |
Acacia suaveolens (Leguminosae) - Plate 87
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Frederick Polydore Nodder after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Nodder himself. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) |
Acacia terminalis (Leguminosae) - Plate 95
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Frederick Polydore Nodder after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Nodder himself. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) ------------------------ Note: This print is also illustrated as Plate 87 on page 185 of Joseph Banks' Florilegium: Botanical... |
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Acacia ulicifolia (Leguminosae) - Plate 86
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) |
Acaena anserinifolia (Rosaceae) - Plate 434
New Zealand (Parts 20 - 27) Line engraving by Gabriel Smith after Sydney Parkinson (1769 - 1770). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Tegadu Bay, New Zealand (20 October - 22 October 1769) Tolaga Bay, New Zealand (23 October - 29 October 1769) Opoorage, New Zealand (5 November - 15 November 1769)... |
Acaena pumila (Rosaceae) - Plate 684
Tierra del Fuego (Parts 32 - 34) Line engraving by Gabriel Smith after Sydney Parkinson (1768). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Tierra del Fuego (1768) |
Aciphylla squarrosa (Umbelliferae) - Plate 457
New Zealand (Parts 20 - 27) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1770). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Totara nui, New Zealand (15 January - 6 February 1770) ------------------------ Note: This print is also illustrated as Plate 67 on page 149 of Joseph Banks' Florilegium: Botanical Treasures... |
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Acronychia laevis (Rutaceae) - Plate 37
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gerald Sibelius after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bay of Inlets, Australia (1770) Thirsty Sound, Australia (29 May - 31 May 1770) |
Actinotus helianthi (Umbelliferae) - Plate 141
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gabriel Smith after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and John Frederick Miller. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: New Holland, Australia (1770) Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) ------------------------ Note: This print is also illustrated as Plate 77 on page 167 of... |
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Actinotus minor (Umbelliferae) - Plate 142
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and John Frederick Miller. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Botany Bay, Australia (28 April - 6 May 1770) |
Adenosa coerulea (Scrophulariaceae) - Plate 228
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Point Lookout, Australia (1770) |
Adenostemma viscosum (Compositae) - Plate 616
Society Islands (Parts 28 - 31) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1769). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Otaheite, Society Islands (13 April-1 June and 4 June-13 July 1769) Otaha, Society Islands (1769) Huahine, Society Islands (16 July - 19 July 1769) Ulhieta, Society Islands (20 July... |
Agoseris coronopifolium (Compositae) - Plate 714
Tierra del Fuego (Parts 32 - 34) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1768). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bay of Good Success, Tierra del Fuego (1768) |
Ajuga australis (Labiatae) - Plate 258
Australia (Parts 1 - 15) Line engraving by Gerald Sibelius after Sydney Parkinson (1770) and Frederick Polydore Nodder. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Bustard Bay, Australia (22 May - 24 May 1770) |
Alchornea triplinervia (Euphorbiaceae) - Plate 353
Brazil (Part 16) Line engraving by Gabriel Smith, after Sydney Parkinson (1768). Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1768) |
Alepis flavida (Loranthaceae) - Plate 545
New Zealand (Parts 20 - 27) Line engraving by Daniel MacKenzie after Sydney Parkinson (1769 - 1770) and James Miller. Joseph Banks and his party saw this species at: Totara nui, New Zealand (15 January - 6 February 1770) New Zealand (8 October 1769 - 31 March 1770) |
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